Data Science is reaching new levels and so are the models. But reaching a whooping 99.24% accuracy using simple feature engineering and a simple Decision Tree Classifier ? That's new! Hello everyone, today I am going to present you my model which can predict value range of a tender in Seattle Trade Permits with a whooping accuracy of 99.24 % (With some obvious caveats which I will discuss in the end). My Kernel : Yet Another Value Prediction The Prediction Kernel BASIC EDA This time out, I am going to use plotly library in Python. This is literally the best option for interactive plots and if you actually visit the kernel, you will understand why. First of all, we will focus on checking out the Top Grossing Contractors in the Seattle area who have earned the most out of the tender acquisitions. This will lead to this interactive graph: Similarly, one could plot out another graph for Amount earned per project. But another thing which caug...
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